Town of Plover January Meetings
January 14, 2025, 6:00 p.m.
Plover Town Hall
*Town of Plover Caucus Meeting - 6:00 p.m.
*Town of Plover January Monthly Board Meeting - immediately following the Caucus Meeting
Valerie Parker, Clerk
Starting January 10, 2025, Waste Management will be collecting garbage and recycling on Fridays, rather than Mondays.
The last "Monday" collection day will be on January 6th. They will come back and collect on Friday, January 10th, and will only collect on Friday's after that date.
Click to view the 2025 Collection Calendar
Town of Plover, Marathon County
April 1, 2025
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an election to be held in the Town of Plover, Marathon County, Tuesday, April 1, 2025, the following offices are to be elected to succeed the present incumbents listed. The term for all offices is for two years, beginning on Tuesday, April 15, 2025.
Office Incumbent
Town Chairman Tony Kautza
Town Supervisor Peter Marien
Town Supervisor Scott McRae
Town Treasurer Connie Sippl
NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN, that the first day to circulate nomination papers is December 1, 2024, and the final day for filing nomination papers is 5:00 p.m., on Tuesday, January 7, 2025, in the office of the Town Clerk.
NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN, that if a primary is necessary, the primary will be held on Tuesday, February 18, 2025.
DONE in the Town of Plover, Marathon County, on November 19, 2024
Valerie Parker, Town Clerk
Town of Plover, Marathon County
230801 County Road Y
Birnamwood, WI 54414
(715) 581-4603
The Town of Plover Election Equipment (Express Vote Accessible Voting Machine and DS200 Tabulator Machine) will be tested, as part of a County-Wide Public Test on Monday, October 28th, between 7:30am – 8:30am, at the Town of Plover Hall, 180771 County Road Z.
This Public Test is open to the general public to come and observe.
In-Person Absentee Voting
Runs from Tuesday, October 22nd through Sunday, November 3rd, 5:00pm
*By Appointment Only*
Please Contact:
Valerie Parker, Town Clerk
(715) 581-4603 /
Notice of Fall General Election
November 5, 2024, 7:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Plover Town Hall, 180771 County Road Z
Residency Requirement: Voters must reside at their address for at least 28 days by Election Day in order to register to vote. If you have moved into our municipality less than 28 days (moved in after October 9, 2024), you will need to either vote from your previous address, either by absentee ballot or at the previous polling place.
Voter Registration: Voters are not required to provide a photo ID to register. However, Voters must provide a Proof of Residence Document when registering. A list of documents that can be used for proof of residence:
Registration can take place online or by mail, up to 20 days (October 17, 2024) before the election. If you have a valid WI Driver License or WI ID card issued by the WI Dept of Motor Vehicles (DMV), you can register online at My Vote WI ( Otherwise, you can register to vote in-person with the Clerk up until the Friday before the Election, or at the polls on Election Day.
Absentee Ballots are available by mail beginning September 19, 2024. Voters can request a mailed absentee ballot up until the Thursday before the Election (though it is encouraged to request this sooner, to allow enough mailing time). Requesting a mailed absentee ballot can be easily done online through My Vote WI ( If you request a mailed absentee ballot, you can track your mailed ballot through the My Vote WI website.
Before Election Day, Absentee Ballots can either be mailed back, using the supplied postage-paid envelope, or dropped off at your Clerk’s Office. Absentee Ballots can also be dropped off in-person at the polls, on Election Day; however, it must be the voter who delivers the absentee ballot (unless there is a medical reason preventing).
In-Person Absentee Ballots are available 15 days (October 22, 2024) before the Election, with the last day being 5:00 p.m., the Sunday before the Election. To vote in-person, you must make an appointment with the Clerk.
Absentee Voting is similar to voting at the polls, in that, you are required to be a registered voter and show photo ID. Acceptable Phot ID’s:
Additional Election Information can be found:
Election Day hours are from 7:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m., at the Plover Town Hall, 180771 County Road Z.
What to expect at the Polls on Election Day?
There will be two referendum questions on the November 5th General Election Ballot:
*Wisconsin Referendum on a proposed constitutional amendment, related to citizenship status and voting
“Eligibility to vote. Shall section 1 of article III of the constitution, which deals with suffrage, be amended to provide that only a United States citizen, age 18 or older, who resides in an election district, may vote in an election for national, state, or local office or at a statewide or local referendum?”
*Antigo School District Referendum
“Shall the Unified School District of Antigo (Langlade, Shawano and Marathon Counties, Wisconsin) be authorized to issue, pursuant to Chapter 67 of the Wisconsin Statutes, general obligation bonds in an amount not to exceed $54,000,000 for the public purpose of paying the cost of a school building and facility improvement project consisting of: construction of a new elementary school, related site improvements and possible land acquisition; improvements for the relocation of the district offices; capital maintenance and building infrastructure improvements at the Middle and High Schools; and acquisition of furnishings, fixtures and equipment?”
At the 09/10/2024 Town Board Meeting, Kelly Fassbender, Business Services Director, of Unified School District of Antigo, shared a presentation regarding the referendum request that will be on the November General Election ballot. This will only affect residents within the Antigo School District jurisdiction.
The presentation can be found:
Notice is hereby given that the Town of Plover, Marathon County, Wisconsin, will hold a public hearing on the Town's proposed 2025 Budget, on Tuesday, October 8, 2024, at 6:00 p.m., at the Plover Town Hall, at 180771 County Road Z, Birnamwood, WI.
Immediately following the public hearing, a Special Town Elector Meeting will be held to approve the 2024 total Town Tax Levy to be collected in 2025. The proposed budget in detail is available for inspection on the Town's website:, or by request through the Town Clerk, Valerie Parker, at 715-581-4603, or
A summary of the proposed budget can be found:
Town of Plover October Meetings
October 8, 2024, 6:00 p.m.
Plover Town Hall
*Town Board & Public Hearing on Proposed 2025 Budget Meeting: Tuesday, October 8th, at 6:00 p.m.
*Town Special Meeting of Electors on 2024 Tax Levy: Tuesday, October 8th, immediately following the 6:00 p.m. Meeting
*Town Board Meeting for Adoption of the 2025 Budget: Tuesday, October 8th, following the Electors Meeting
Valerie Parker, Clerk
Town of Plover (Marathon County) Road Maintenance Operator Needed
The Town of Plover is looking to hire a part-time Road Maintenance Operator. Applicants need to have experience in operating all road maintenance equipment (grader, backhoe, snowplow), experience in welding and chainsaw use, CDL license, mechanical ability, and must be self-motivated. Applicants do not need to be a resident of the Town.
Interested candidates should contact Town of Plover Chairman, Tony Kautza, at 715-610-1655, for more information on the position. Resumes must be mailed to:
Tony Kautza
184726 Village Road
Aniwa, WI 54408
Notice of Newly Enacted Ordinance
Please take notice that the Town of Plover, Marathon County, Wisconsin, enacted on August 20, 2024, the following Ordinance:
Ordinance No. 08-2024: An Ordinance to Designate Heavy Traffic Routes in the Town of Plover, Marathon County, Wisconsin
The Town Board of the Town of Plover, Marathon County, Wisconsin, has the specific authority under §349.17, Wis. Stats., to adopt this ordinance.
This Ordinance, adopted by a majority of the Town Board on a roll call vote with a quorum present and voting, and proper notice having been given, designates the following Town highways as Heavy Traffic Routes in the Town, as follows:
A. In this Ordinance, “Heavy Traffic” means all vehicles not operating completely on pneumatic tires and all vehicles or combination of vehicles, other than motor buses, designed or used for transporting property of any nature and having a gross weight of more than 6,000 pounds.
B. The following Town of Plover highways are designated as heavy traffic routes:
1. Bultman Road 12. Nicole Lane
2. Clay Road 13. Old lake Road
3. Cresent Drive 14. Pine View Road
4. Doolittle Drive 15. Plover Aniwa Townline Road
5. Dunnum Drive 16. Raatz Lane
6. Eau Claire River Road 17. Red Granite Road
7. Elder Lane 18. Salvesen Lane
8. Grainery Road 19. South Pole Road
9. Guyette Drive 20. Sportsman Drive
10. Helf Road 21. Village Road
11. Melotik Lane 22. Vlietstra Lane
Heavy traffic on the following Town highways is restricted or prohibited as follows:
1. Hatchery Road, between State Highway 52 and County Road Z
2. North Pole Road, between State Highway 52 and County Road Z
C. The Town Chairperson, or his or her designee, shall place appropriate traffic signs on the above-described highways on or before the effective date of this ordinance.
D. No person may operate any vehicle on the above-noted highway in violation of the above-noted restrictions or prohibitions. Any violation shall be subject to a forfeiture of $500.00
Dated this 21st day of August, 2024.
Valerie Parker, Town Clerk
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